Northern Ireland groups 24 & 42 Minutes of             Members meeting 9th July 2022 Chairman Joe McClune called the meeting to order at 11.04am

Previous Minutes Minutes of the members meeting held on 21st August 2021 taken as read proposed by Victor Lennox and seconded by David McFadden and agreed by all. 

Open Forum. The chairman thanked everyone for their attendance. He said the purpose of a member’s meeting was to firstly give him an opportunity to give to the members, an update on relevant matters and secondly and most importantly to give them an opportunity to ask questions or make suggestions for the better running of the group. Meeting scheduled to last an hour but was not a deadline. Decisions taken at this meeting would not be binding on committee. However, any issues raised would receive due consideration and feedback given through minutes.

  1. The Chairman said he wanted to inform the members of the intentions of the current committee on the run up to the AGM. Due to a year blighted by both himself and wife having Cancer he would not be standing again as Chairman. He gave special thanks to Irene Hewitt and Gary Little for their exceptional support during this time. He thanked Gary Little for remaining this year as Treasurer but knew it was his intention to step down at the AGM. He gave a heartfelt thanks to Martin Murphy for continuing to maintain the Webpage this year, but declared he would also be stepping down. Evey Pirie and Billy Cameron’s intention is to step down.  He asked that as 70% of the existing committee had health problems would the members, please consider co-opting on to help for the remainder of the year and give consideration to then being re-elected at the AGM.      
  2. The Chairman asked for any members to show a raised hand if anyone would consider towing the Trailer. Joe Little had helped out by towing it until July and that was coming to an end. After a discussion no one was able to indicate that they were able to tow the trailer so therefore it would be parked with Selma McMullan until the AGM when a vote will be asked of members re selling this asset if no one has still not come forward to tow it.      
  3. The Chairman asked for suggestions as to how equipment would be taken to rallies. After a discussion it was agreed to minimise what was required. Also, there was a show of hands to indicate members would help out with transporting necessary equipment to rallies. Thanks to those and any others who can still come forward to help with this will be much appreciated.

Selma McMullan gave us an update from the National and AGM. 15 members from N.Ireland attended. Over the five days there was lots of entertainment and out of 14 entries from our ladies we got a 2nd and 3rd place. She also had on display two trophies which had been awarded for our recruitment and retention numbers. New signage had been given to each of the groups and Selma showed us same.

The Chairman asked for any questions from the members and as none were forth coming the meeting ended at 11.49.

Irene Hewitt. 

Secretary, Groups 24 & 42. 12th July 2022