Information re running a rally

Firstly, let us thank you for offering or being cajoled into running a rally. Please don’t stress it. Although it can be a busy, responsible weekend it does feel very rewarding to have helped out in this way after all is done. So down to business. 

  • The Hosts and Co Hosts are usually people who know each other. If not then have conversations is what both couples would like to do. Rallies can be quiet affairs or filled with lots of activities. Entirely up to you, but try to agree, on a level that suits both couples. 
  • Hosts can find a template in the host box of what a Welcome Sheet should include. You can print your own welcome sheets or contact the club Secretary to print off for you.
  • The committee has agreed that £50 can be available for each rally. The constitution states that No raffle prizes are paid out of this.  For special rallies that food is supplied e.g., Burns night, Mistletoe and Wine night etc. with committee approval the amount will be increased to meet the cost. An expenses sheet is in the host box and this should be filled in, given to the Treasurer/Secretary along with receipts before any money is refunded for your expenses.
  • On arrival vans are asked to produce their membership card. Hopefully members will have details of Name, Telephone number, and their motorhome number plate on a piece of paper within a clear pouch with rally fees enclosed.  This helps avoid wrong information being recorded on the initial booking in sheet. This information is important in the event of a fire when we need to ensure the whereabouts of our members.
  • The treasurer or secretary along with the host will count the raffle money. A raffle money record sheet, found in the host box, should be signed by both. The band and caretaker fee will be taken out of this money and also recorded on the sheet.
  • The treasurer will give the hosts two “one night prize vouchers” for their raffle up to 29 vans. Additional to this one voucher for every ten vans thereafter will be given. Vouchers for the number plate draw at coffee morning will be one voucher per 25 vans plus one voucher in place of quiz. 
  • During the rally there should be one couple who remains on site at all times. After coffee morning, whilst everyone helps with clearing away, it is the host’s responsibility to ensure the premises are left clean and tidy after a rally. Also, after everyone has vacated the grounds to wait to give over keys etc. to the caretaker.
  • Please enjoy your hosting experience and don’t forget we are all here to advise and help as required.

A list of committee numbers is in your host box. Regards from Chairman and Committee.